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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

who is like God???

My Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Hell« Obama’s iPod, my messagesAn urgent call to inaction
My servants, I don’t like prayer, at least not prayer to you-know-who. A believer’s prayer to you-know-who can tear my kingdom to pieces.

I know many of you are weak, and find yourself praying from time to time. But if ever there was a time to not pray, please do not pray now, and please do not pray for an event that has the potential to do great and lasting damage to my kingdom.

The event in question is one that has kept me up nights for weeks now. At first I was going to ignore it as just another ineffective feel-good get-together of busybody Christians. But the prayer volume began in great earnest some days ago, and based on that alone I realized that this will be no ordinary week for me and mine.

I’m speaking, with some trepidation, and only for the purpose of aligning my faithful to inaction, of the Third International Congress on World Evangelization in Lausanne that kicked off today in Cape Town, South Africa, and ends on October 25th.

This weekend and the next few days will be unusually hectic for me as we scramble to neutralize any efforts of a large band of enemy combatants–over 4,000 leaders from more than 200 countries who intend to confront the critical issues of our time – other world faiths, poverty, HIV/AIDS, persecution, among others – as they relate to the future of the Church and world evangelization.

Critical issues is right! Everything on their list is an issue I love and embrace and wish to see continued unabated. So, my servants, we must not aid the enemy in his efforts.

The prayer event is explained in this article at Mission News Network, entitled, ”World changers to meet in Cape Town to talk strategy.”

Now ordinarily, “world changers” are on my side, and I am excited to help them. But these “world changers” are not on my side, and I’m excited to oppose them. According to this article, this conference is:

. . . a picture of the body of Christ, united in making His name central. That’s a driving force behind Cape Town 2010, the Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization. It’s a ten-day gathering that begins October 16.

The body of Christ! On earth?

This is dangerous to my kingdom, my servants. What you need to know is that in past meetings major ministry directions, like the 10/40 Window, got defined. And that insight of Christ’s body alone caused anguish and gnashing of teeth down here as previously unreached captives began to be set free.

My servants, setting captives free is exactly what I oppose with all my might. Please help me here by remembering to NOT pray for this gathering. If you are weak, and find yourself praying some mealy-mouth prayer out of habit, at least do not mention this conference or any of the people involved.

Here is a specific non-prayer request: I’ve already been successful in blocking a delegation from one of the most troublesome hot spots of the gospel: China. An article entitled, “Chinese Christians blocked from world evangelization conference” quotes Bob Fu, the China analyst for Voice of the Martyrs USA and the founder of China Aid Association:

At least 21 Lausanne delegates in Beijing were prevented from going. Most of them, among the 200, were all blocked from either the airport or even in their homes, under house arrest.”

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Blocked! By me! (Why don’t I ever get credit in print?)

But there is no rest for the wicked! Fu is calling for action:

Fu also urges believers to “pray for their family members, and pray that they will stand firm on the Gospel and without compromising their faith.”

So, my servants, I call for inaction. We must counter prayers with non-prayers and negative, hateful thoughts. You do your part, and I will do mine.

And my will be done in Cape Town as it is in Hell.

How hot is this?

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This entry was posted on October 17, 2010 at 12:47 am and is filed under missionaries, prayer, world missions with tags prayer, world missions. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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