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Thursday, December 2, 2010

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    Dole Nutrition NewsThe Latest in Healthy Living!
    Food Facts
    Bananas have health benefits for every stage in your life, such as reducing abdominal pain in children and lowering blood pressure in adults. 1 of 5 next
    Food Facts Bell PeppersRed bell peppers are loaded with beta-cryptoxanthin-which may reduce the risk of lung cancer. back 2 of 5 next

    Food Facts PeachesPeach antioxidants include carotenoids and phenolics, which help neutralize free radicals that contribute to premature aging of the skin. back 3 of 5 next

    Food Facts PineapplesFresh pineapples are the only known source of bromelain, an enzyme with anti-inflammatory properties. back 4 of 5 next

    Food Facts SpinachSpinach may help maintain mental sharpness, and reduce the risk of cancers of the liver, ovaries, colon and prostate. back 5 of 5
    Nutrition News Desk SELF-TAN WITH PRODUCE
    Carrots, Butternut, Kale, Spinach Impart Healthy Glow
    With days getting shorter and shorter (Winter Solstice is around the corner on December 21st), some are tempted to turn to tanning booths or spray tans to recapture the fading glow of sun-kissed skin. Fortunately, Mother Nature offers a far healthier way to alter skin tone toward a duskier hue -- by eating plenty of beta-carotene-rich fruit and vegetables.

    Previous research has demonstrated that a high intake of carotenoid-rich foods produces a condition called xanthoderma -- and although that may not sound particularly attractive, a new study suggests that such produce-triggered skin coloration is actually perceived as youthful and healthy. When British researchers presented 306 images of 51 Caucasian faces, ages ranging from 18 to 22, then asked volunteers to rate the various versions, those faces scored as most attractive had the ruddy hue that comes with beta-carotene intake.

    Given the health risks associated with beta-carotene supplements, make sure to get your complexion-enhancing nutrients from these top whole-food sources:

    Quantity Mcg

    Sweet Potato, with skin
    1 medium

    Carrots, cooked 1 cup
    Spinach, cooked
    1 cup
    Kale, cooked
    1 cup
    Carrots, raw 1 cup

    Butternut Squash, cooked
    1 cup 9,368

    Collard Greens 1 cup 9,147
    Cantaloupe 1 cup 3,232
    Green Leaf Lettuce 2 cups 3,199
    Red Bell Pepper 1 medium 1,933

    Beyond enhancing skin tone, preliminary research suggests beta-carotene may boost bone health: Young women with the highest intake of beta-carotene-rich vegetables were 500% less likely to suffer low bone mass, in one Japanese study. British researchers also found a 50% lower risk of developing polyarthritis among those who ate the most orange-colored fruit and vegetables. In addition, beta-carotene plays a role in supporting healthy vision, maintaining immune function and protecting skin cells.
