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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

who is like God???

My Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Hell« Obama’s iPod, my messagesAn urgent call to inaction
My servants, I don’t like prayer, at least not prayer to you-know-who. A believer’s prayer to you-know-who can tear my kingdom to pieces.

I know many of you are weak, and find yourself praying from time to time. But if ever there was a time to not pray, please do not pray now, and please do not pray for an event that has the potential to do great and lasting damage to my kingdom.

The event in question is one that has kept me up nights for weeks now. At first I was going to ignore it as just another ineffective feel-good get-together of busybody Christians. But the prayer volume began in great earnest some days ago, and based on that alone I realized that this will be no ordinary week for me and mine.

I’m speaking, with some trepidation, and only for the purpose of aligning my faithful to inaction, of the Third International Congress on World Evangelization in Lausanne that kicked off today in Cape Town, South Africa, and ends on October 25th.

This weekend and the next few days will be unusually hectic for me as we scramble to neutralize any efforts of a large band of enemy combatants–over 4,000 leaders from more than 200 countries who intend to confront the critical issues of our time – other world faiths, poverty, HIV/AIDS, persecution, among others – as they relate to the future of the Church and world evangelization.

Critical issues is right! Everything on their list is an issue I love and embrace and wish to see continued unabated. So, my servants, we must not aid the enemy in his efforts.

The prayer event is explained in this article at Mission News Network, entitled, ”World changers to meet in Cape Town to talk strategy.”

Now ordinarily, “world changers” are on my side, and I am excited to help them. But these “world changers” are not on my side, and I’m excited to oppose them. According to this article, this conference is:

. . . a picture of the body of Christ, united in making His name central. That’s a driving force behind Cape Town 2010, the Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization. It’s a ten-day gathering that begins October 16.

The body of Christ! On earth?

This is dangerous to my kingdom, my servants. What you need to know is that in past meetings major ministry directions, like the 10/40 Window, got defined. And that insight of Christ’s body alone caused anguish and gnashing of teeth down here as previously unreached captives began to be set free.

My servants, setting captives free is exactly what I oppose with all my might. Please help me here by remembering to NOT pray for this gathering. If you are weak, and find yourself praying some mealy-mouth prayer out of habit, at least do not mention this conference or any of the people involved.

Here is a specific non-prayer request: I’ve already been successful in blocking a delegation from one of the most troublesome hot spots of the gospel: China. An article entitled, “Chinese Christians blocked from world evangelization conference” quotes Bob Fu, the China analyst for Voice of the Martyrs USA and the founder of China Aid Association:

At least 21 Lausanne delegates in Beijing were prevented from going. Most of them, among the 200, were all blocked from either the airport or even in their homes, under house arrest.”

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Blocked! By me! (Why don’t I ever get credit in print?)

But there is no rest for the wicked! Fu is calling for action:

Fu also urges believers to “pray for their family members, and pray that they will stand firm on the Gospel and without compromising their faith.”

So, my servants, I call for inaction. We must counter prayers with non-prayers and negative, hateful thoughts. You do your part, and I will do mine.

And my will be done in Cape Town as it is in Hell.

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.Karolyn Whitney Smith's Notes
ReportA meditative prayer from the pen of my dearly beloved patron St. Alphonsus de Liguori
.by Karolyn Whitney Smith on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at 3:31pm. Lord, who is like to Thee?

and what good things, O God! can be comparable

to Thee, O infinte goodness! But how could I have

turned my back upon Thee, to give myself to those

vile things which sin held out to me? O Jesus, Thy

precious blood is my hope. Thou hast promised

to hear him who prays to Thee. I ask Thee not

for the goods of this world: I ask Thee for the

pardon of those sins which I have committed

against Thee, and for which I am sorry above

every other evil. I ask Thee for perserverance

in Thy grace until the end of my life. I ask Thee

for the gift of Thy holy love; my soul is enamoured

of Thy goodness; hear me, O Lord! Only grant

that I may love Thee both here and hereafter,

and to all things else do with me as Thou

pleasest. My Lord, and my only good, suffer

me not to be any more separated from Thee!

Mary, Mother of God, do thou also listen to me,

and obtain for me that I may ever belong to

God, and that God may be my inheritance

forever. Amen.

from "The Way of Salvation and Perfection"

by St. Alphosus Marie de Liguori

founder of the Redemptorist Order

St. Alphonsus, pray for us.

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.AlganonJoseph Dietrick likes this.
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. Jehovah Has Become King
Free electronic and audio book for Jehovah's Witnesses. Unique presentation of the Watchtower Society in Bible prophecy.. Olebella
To teach acceptance of differences regarding race, culture, appearances, adoptions, diversified families and beliefs..Like · 110 people like this.
Vote Meg for Governor 2010!
RSVP "Attending" to let your friends know you're voting Meg for Governor and A New California!.RSVP · Vera Faith Russi Lord is attending.
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.Karolyn Whitney Smith's Notes
ReportA meditative prayer from the pen of my dearly beloved patron St. Alphonsus de Liguori
.by Karolyn Whitney Smith on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at 3:31pm. Lord, who is like to Thee?

and what good things, O God! can be comparable

to Thee, O infinte goodness! But how could I have

turned my back upon Thee, to give myself to those

vile things which sin held out to me? O Jesus, Thy

precious blood is my hope. Thou hast promised

to hear him who prays to Thee. I ask Thee not

for the goods of this world: I ask Thee for the

pardon of those sins which I have committed

against Thee, and for which I am sorry above

every other evil. I ask Thee for perserverance

in Thy grace until the end of my life. I ask Thee

for the gift of Thy holy love; my soul is enamoured

of Thy goodness; hear me, O Lord! Only grant

that I may love Thee both here and hereafter,

and to all things else do with me as Thou

pleasest. My Lord, and my only good, suffer

me not to be any more separated from Thee!

Mary, Mother of God, do thou also listen to me,

and obtain for me that I may ever belong to

God, and that God may be my inheritance

forever. Amen.

from "The Way of Salvation and Perfection"

by St. Alphosus Marie de Liguori

founder of the Redemptorist Order

Repent...!!!! God bless.

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Vatican's Chief Justice: Catholic Politicians Who Support Abortion or Gay Marriage Must Publicly Repent
Monday, October 18, 2010
By Michael W. Chapman

Raymond Leo Burke, archbishop emeritus of St. Louis, MO, and current prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, the highest court at the Vatican, in Rome.

(CNSNews.com) – Catholic politicians who publicly support abortion or homosexual marriage and then seek to turn away from such “gravely sinful acts” must perform “public” actions of “repentance,” said Raymond Burke, the archbishop emeritus of St. Louis and the current head of the highest court at the Vatican, the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura.

In remarks at the 5th Human Life International World Prayer Congress for Life in Rome, Italy, Arbp. Burke said that the culture today pushes a “cafeteria Catholicism,” whereby some Catholics pick and choose “what part of the deposit of faith to believe and practice.” As a result, “there has developed in places a false notion that the Christian or any person of faith, in order to be a true citizen of his nation, must bracket his faith life from his public life.”

“We find self-professed Catholics, for example, who sustain and support the right of a woman to procure the death of the infant in her womb, or the right of two persons of the same sex to the recognition which the State gives to a man and a woman who have entered into marriage,” said the archbishop. “It is not possible to be a practicing Catholic and to conduct oneself publicly in this manner.”

Arbp. Burke continued, “When a person has publicly espoused and cooperated in gravely sinful acts, leading many into confusion and error about fundamental questions of respect for human life and the integrity of marriage and the family, his repentance of such actions must also be public.”

“The person in question bears a heavy responsibility for the grave scandal which he has caused,” said the archbishop in his speech last week. “The responsibility is especially heavy for political leaders. The repair of such scandal begins with the public acknowledgment of his own error and the public declaration of his adherence to the moral law.”

“The soul which recognizes the gravity of what he has done will, in fact, understand immediately the need to make public reparation,” he said.

Arbp. Burke also said that Catholics in public life “who persistently violate the moral law” on abortion and homosexual marriage “lead many into confusion and or even error,” which does the “gravest harm to our brother s and sisters and, therefore, to the whole nation.”

As a result, the Catholic Church employs the discipline of not giving Holy Communion or a Church funeral “to those who persist, after admonition, in the grave violation of the moral law,” said the archbishop.

In 2004, as archbishop of St. Louis, Burke said he would not serve Communion to then-presidential candidate John Kerry (D-Mass.) because of his pro-abortion views.

Concerning Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of the Health and Human Services Department and former governor of Kansas, Arbp. Burke said in 2009, “Whether Governor Sebelius is in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, or in any other diocese, she should not present herself for Holy Communion, because after pastoral admonition, she obstinately persists in serious sin.”

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius testifies on Capitol Hill on Feb. 4, 2010. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Cenetafile)

Sebelius “is well known for her support of the right to procured abortion and for her public association with some of the more notorious agents of the culture of death,” said Burke.

“As a Roman Catholic, her appointment is the source of the greatest embarrassment because she has publicly and repeatedly betrayed her Catholic faith, in the most fundamental tenet of the moral law, that is, the law to safeguard and foster human life from the moment of its inception to the moment of natural death,” Burke said.

“What is more, she has obstinately remained in her moral error after being admonished by, at least, three of her bishops …” he added.

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Friday, October 15, 2010

Words of St. Teresa of Avila

Words of St. Teresa of Avila

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HLI EXCLUSIVE: Pro-Life Silver Cross Bracelet
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Joan Haselman's Notes
ReportAn Exorcist speaks about young people and their interest in Vampiresby Joan Haselman on Thursday, October 14, 2010 at 9:43pm

Spirit & Life"The words I spoke to you are spirit and life." (Jn 6:63)

Human Life International e-Column

Volume 05, Number 26 | Friday, July 23, 2010

Vampire Logic

With the issuing of the third movie in the Twilight series I have to speak out about our culture's twisted fascination with vampires. I don't hesitate to tell people that I am totally disgusted with the new fad sweeping over our youth culture these days. It is not just kids that are taken up with the wiles of the dark world either: many moms of teens are swooning for them too. I think that these seductive creatures are simply the spawn of the Harry Potter culture that has for over a decade now been indoctrinating kids to think that the occult world is normal and that all this evil messaging is harmless when dressed up as entertainment. That's vampire logic - and just what the devil wants us to think. Gone are the days of Bella Lugosi's Dracula (1931) where good was good and evil was evil. A crucifix would drive Dracula away and then he had to go into his infernal coffin when the first streaks of dawn appeared. He was in every way presented as a creature of evil, dark of heart and dread to encounter. He drank human blood too, a feature that was supposed to strike terror in every person who valued his life's essence. The image of a blood-sucking creature who lives in slime and darkness and will pounce on you to drain out your very essence should terrorize every decent person. This is because vampires used to be images of demons. That's what demons are all about: the vanquishing of all human decency and life. They represent the spiritual vortexes of the demon world that drag down to the depths of hell all who fall prey to their wiles. But, my, how vampires have come up in the world these days. Nowadays vampires are divided into good and bad - no longer intrinsically evil. The good ones rescuevulnerable women instead of biting them and, allegedly, drink only animal blood (well, we haven't seen the last Twilight movie yet...). And crucifixes? Don't think you'll see any of those driving away bad guys in these movies. The heroes are the "good" vampires, not the Church or religious faith in Christ. These super-star vampires also walk around in sunlight and, as a matter of fact, their skin just happens to glisten like diamonds when exposed to direct sunlight. Isn't that wonderful? The glam vamps are gentlemen, chaste and well-intentioned, yet they are always hovering around the edge of "falling" and in seductive situations which cause young people to think that they are capable, like their hero vampire, Edward Cullen, of going just so far and pulling back, out of self-control. That's teaching them to play with fire, not a real chastity message for kids. The worst part of this fascination with vampires from a faith point of view, however, is its blasphemy of the Eucharist. "Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life in you," said our Blessed Lord in Chapter 6 of John's Gospel. He is the One who offers His flesh and blood for the life of the world. The vampires eat (bite) the flesh and drink the blood of victims rather than give their own to redeem others. Their bites corrupt and transform their victims into vampires like themselves. They have no life in them. They are the "living dead" by their own estimate. How sad that this generation has been so taken in by those who represent the very antithesis of the core reality of our Faith - the Eucharist. Vampire logic is anti-Eucharistic logic, and it's very dangerous for our kids. In their obsessive fascination with such darkness, kids (and adults) turn their backs on the One who actually died for them. To those who say, "Oh, Father, it's only harmless entertainment," I say simply: You've been warned.


Rev. Thomas J. EuteneuerPresident, Human Life International

New books by Fr. Euteneuer...

Learn the real spiritual force behind the modern abortion industry in Demonic Abortion, and learn more about the Church's battle against the evil one, and about how pop-occult fads are increasingly and negatively influencing the young in Exorcism and the Church Militant. Visit www.exorcismbook.com.

U have been warned!!!

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Joan Haselman's Notes
ReportAn Exorcist speaks about young people and their interest in Vampiresby Joan Haselman on Thursday, October 14, 2010 at 9:43pm

Spirit & Life"The words I spoke to you are spirit and life." (Jn 6:63)

Human Life International e-Column

Volume 05, Number 26 | Friday, July 23, 2010

Vampire Logic

With the issuing of the third movie in the Twilight series I have to speak out about our culture's twisted fascination with vampires. I don't hesitate to tell people that I am totally disgusted with the new fad sweeping over our youth culture these days. It is not just kids that are taken up with the wiles of the dark world either: many moms of teens are swooning for them too. I think that these seductive creatures are simply the spawn of the Harry Potter culture that has for over a decade now been indoctrinating kids to think that the occult world is normal and that all this evil messaging is harmless when dressed up as entertainment. That's vampire logic - and just what the devil wants us to think. Gone are the days of Bella Lugosi's Dracula (1931) where good was good and evil was evil. A crucifix would drive Dracula away and then he had to go into his infernal coffin when the first streaks of dawn appeared. He was in every way presented as a creature of evil, dark of heart and dread to encounter. He drank human blood too, a feature that was supposed to strike terror in every person who valued his life's essence. The image of a blood-sucking creature who lives in slime and darkness and will pounce on you to drain out your very essence should terrorize every decent person. This is because vampires used to be images of demons. That's what demons are all about: the vanquishing of all human decency and life. They represent the spiritual vortexes of the demon world that drag down to the depths of hell all who fall prey to their wiles. But, my, how vampires have come up in the world these days. Nowadays vampires are divided into good and bad - no longer intrinsically evil. The good ones rescuevulnerable women instead of biting them and, allegedly, drink only animal blood (well, we haven't seen the last Twilight movie yet...). And crucifixes? Don't think you'll see any of those driving away bad guys in these movies. The heroes are the "good" vampires, not the Church or religious faith in Christ. These super-star vampires also walk around in sunlight and, as a matter of fact, their skin just happens to glisten like diamonds when exposed to direct sunlight. Isn't that wonderful? The glam vamps are gentlemen, chaste and well-intentioned, yet they are always hovering around the edge of "falling" and in seductive situations which cause young people to think that they are capable, like their hero vampire, Edward Cullen, of going just so far and pulling back, out of self-control. That's teaching them to play with fire, not a real chastity message for kids. The worst part of this fascination with vampires from a faith point of view, however, is its blasphemy of the Eucharist. "Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no life in you," said our Blessed Lord in Chapter 6 of John's Gospel. He is the One who offers His flesh and blood for the life of the world. The vampires eat (bite) the flesh and drink the blood of victims rather than give their own to redeem others. Their bites corrupt and transform their victims into vampires like themselves. They have no life in them. They are the "living dead" by their own estimate. How sad that this generation has been so taken in by those who represent the very antithesis of the core reality of our Faith - the Eucharist. Vampire logic is anti-Eucharistic logic, and it's very dangerous for our kids. In their obsessive fascination with such darkness, kids (and adults) turn their backs on the One who actually died for them. To those who say, "Oh, Father, it's only harmless entertainment," I say simply: You've been warned.


Rev. Thomas J. EuteneuerPresident, Human Life International

New books by Fr. Euteneuer...

Learn the real spiritual force behind the modern abortion industry in Demonic Abortion, and learn more about the Church's battle against the evil one, and about how pop-occult fads are increasingly and negatively influencing the young in Exorcism and the Church Militant. Visit www.exorcismbook.com.

Promote the Dignity of Women: Words of St. Teresa of Avila

Promote the Dignity of Women: Words of St. Teresa of Avila: "Words of St. Teresa of Avila"

Words of St. Teresa of Avila

Words of St. Teresa of Avila

Words of St. Teresa of Avila

Words of St. Teresa of Avila

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dressing Immodestly- nothing "grownup" about young girls dressing sexy. God bless.

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DanielleBeanGirls Sent Home From Dance for Too-Short Dresses
Share by Danielle Bean Wednesday, September 29, 2010 6:00 AM Comments (11)
Well, I am encouraged!

Dozens of high school girls in Mesquite, Texas were sent home from a homecoming dance because their dresses were not modest enough.

Of course the girls were outraged.

And some of their parents too.

CBS reports that “several girls say because their dates bought the tickets they never received” a flier calling for “modest” clothing and warning against wearing anything “too short” or “too tight.” Regardless, the school left the “modesty” determination up to individual administrators, and some parents and students complain that there was no consistency.

Blah, blah, blah ... I don’t want to even listen to these girls and their parents argue about failure to warn them properly or an inconsistent enforcement of the dress code. Why are these girls choosing and why are their parents approving (and paying for) too-short, too-tight, and too-revealing dresses for a high school dance?

The Salon article calls the dresses “tame” but that is not what I see in the photo included there. Perhaps this makes me sound like an old lady (but as I approach 40 I find that “old ladies” make more and more sense), but apparently somewhere, somehow, between 1993 (when I attended my high school prom) and today, it became acceptable for young girls to wear teeny-tiny dresses with super high heels to formal school events.

The Salon article raises an objection about the fact that the modesty rules at Mesquite High seem to focus exclusively on females, at least in their enforcement. Come on! Boys wear suits or tuxes to these kinds of events. It’s many of the girls for whom “dressing up” means sporting skin-tight dresses, cleavage, and lots of leg.

I am not holding my breath for these kinds of modesty standards to become the norm at high school events, but it sure is nice to see this Texas high school attempting to protect young girls (and their parents!) from their own poor decisions by taking a stand against insanity. And it sure would be nice to see other high schools inspired to take similar actions against immodesty.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. There’s nothing “grown up” about young girls dressing sexy.

Filed under dress, high school, modesty